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LASIK Eye Surgery is an extremely individualized procedure that varies from case to case. Traditional Lasik (Blade Lasik) can cost less than $1,000 per eye, while custom, all laser Lasik can cost 50% or more than traditional LASIK depending on your degree of refractive error.  A handful of LASIK patients, such as those who undergo Lasik at an older age or have a very high degree of refractive error, may even need additional treatment or touch-ups after their procedure. Beware of sales-like TV and radio advertisements that make bold claims for Lasik such as “$300 an eye” because if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Most of these unethical tv ads lure you into a clinic only to find out that less than 1% of patients qualify for the advertised pricing. “You are only born with one set of eye’s and they are not something we recommend patients try to bargain shop on,” notes Dr. Yaldo. To discover the costs of having Lasik Eye Surgery Michigan to correct your vision call 1-800-398-3937 and schedule a Free Lasik Evaluation.
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