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Free Submissions Disabled until January 2024: The directory is receiving 1200+ free submissions a day and the review queue inflated to 300,000+ pending listings. It's no longer possible to manage this queue and as a result free submissions are disabled until this number goes down a lot.

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We don’t like boundaries. We want to include everyone and everything under one roof. Whether your main intention is to buy, sell or rent property – Liveio’s sophisticated real estate network provides you with an instant view of available properties and agents in your area and a vast part of Europe. In a matter of seconds you’ll have all the information you need to take the first and last step towards the perfect real estate deal. Liveio are specially designed for sellers and prospective buyers to meet. Through Liveio it’s possible to create your own tasteful advertising page that will ensure interest from active buyers. A concept just as beneficial for the private property owner as the professional broker. You as an agency and real estate agent can advertise on Liveio with your own niche. When you create a professional individual profile, you can invite to the agency and jointly chat, share thoughts and build a strategy to successfully sell your properties. When you use Liveio, you advertise to a wide audience, not only in Europe but the whole world. However, those advertised on Liveio are only objects in Europe. We know that there is a demand for buying or renting properties in Europe. Now Liveio is available as a portal for collecting all items in one place, whether you are looking for a home, holiday home or a property outside of your own continent.
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