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EZCare Walk-in Clinic Physiatrists The physiatrists in our San Francisco and San Jose offices focus on physical medicine and rehabilitation as a complete treatment. Our aim is to help your body function as a whole rather than just focusing on one part at a time. Our physiatrists are experienced in treating chronic and acute pain that develops from debilitating conditions, illnesses, or injuries. They are a pivotal part of our integrative medicine treatment that brings individualized pain management treatment to all our patients. EZCare Medical Clinic Psychologists At EZCare Clinic, we provide access to our psychologists, or counselors, to help understand the scientific view of your condition that affects behaviors and the thinking processes. Our psychologists may be able to treat depression, pain management, and stress management. Through constant research, the psychologists at EZCare Clinic can teach you how to adjust your lifestyle to successfully manage the pain has before it becomes overwhelming.
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