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Kunming Travel Packages

WaterTap water at all hotels in China is not drinkable. Drink bottled water or boiled water. Time DifferenceChina has only one time zone, the standard time is BEIJING TIME, which is 8 hours earlier than G.M.T. The daylight saving time is not in use in China. VisaVisa is a must for travelers to China. Please contact the Chinese embassy in your country. CurrencyThe Chinese currency is called Renminbi or RMB. Many hotels and stores accept major credit cards. Presently, the following credit cards can be used in China: Master Card, Visa Card, American Express, JCB, Diners Card. Holders of these cards can draw cash from certain ATM machines of the Bank of China. ElectricityThe electricity used in China is 220 volt AC. Many hotel wash rooms have transformer plugs for electric shavers and hair dryers.
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